Hidden Eloise

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« Wonderful Week of Wonders, day 4: Bear tales | Main | Rekindled »

October 22, 2010


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Can't wait until you get your order Hidden! I've got mine ordered as well :)

Alex le Renard

Oh I am so happy!!!!
I loved all your art work before finding out about the blog and the stories. I read the sentences that accompanied your Etsy store creations and my imagination was running wild, creating new stories.
And after our communication I decided to search a bit more that kind personality. I am so glad I came across your blog :)

P.S.: All the paypal stuff is arranged, I am receiving all the notification mails from them and it's a matter of time to settle everything. Thank you so much for your advice and your gracious attitude
P.S.2:I ran across some old, February posts about Paperchase and got mad! Beeing and architect and short-story writer myself, I find it outrageous to steal artist's ideas. It is a crime.. I didn't have time to read through the whole story, I just want to think that it had a happy ending


Hidden Eloise

Thank you for the kind words my dear Alexia! You're so sweet. :)
And i really appreciate all the support about Paperchase, you cannot really have a happy ending when you deal with large corporations with a loose sense of morality. The support that came, and keeps coming, from the rest of the world though was the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. :)

On a sidenote, i am an architecture graduate myself you know! Not practising though, art won me over. :)

And on a further sidenote, i have received the above storybirds lovingly printed and in my hands! I will take some photos and write about them when i find the time!

My very best wishes sweetheart!
Bear hugs,
Eloise xxx


I love the Lost Bear story. You are so talented. I love the who design of this web page with the motion in Eloise and the running banner. You are so talented in so many ways and you know I love your art.

Feral GodMother

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