Hidden Eloise

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« ...A very important announcement! | Main | ♥♥Tobyboo for your little boo....♥♥ »

October 28, 2008


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andrea gutierrez

oh wonderful, jewelry!!!

Hidden Eloise

Thank you my sweet Andrea :):)
Do you think they worth the chemical burns? heheheh :)
Talk soon :D


Ooooohh honey!! They are gorgeous! I'm so excited!! They were worth the pain, love :)


oh how lovely they are !!!!

Hidden Eloise

ohhh!! i'm so glad you like them!!!!
I woke up thinking: oh god! does it worth the sores and burns?
but your comments changed my mind!! yay!!!!
Thank you both sweethearts :)))


these are gorgeous!!

you did a great job!


Tina Tobyboo

so clever, so so clever!!!! they are just beautiful pieces of art and cannot wait to wear mine. hoorah making some of my christmas presents easy! well done fairy xxxxx


oh, wow! These are lovely! I'm liking the idea of wearing about eight of those rings as a delicate and girly knuckleduster! ;)

Those pendants are gorgeous! You are such a clever lass!



Hidden Eloise

:D thank you! thank you! thank you all my lovely girls!! :))))
i'm so glad you like them cause those are only my experiments!!
Better are on the way :))))

Muah and big hugs to all!


Those are simply wonderful! I can't wait to see these in your shop!

Hidden Eloise

Thank you my sweet girl :))
Not too long now!!
Take care :)))


how darling! i want something!! :)

by the way, your little tree stump has been shipped yesterday (monday) !

Hidden Eloise

ohh!! great great lovely Jessica!!
I can't wait to have it!! yay finally i got to have one! :)))
Thank you :D


very cute! Love experiment 2 and 11...

Hidden Eloise

thank you lovely Hanna :))

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